Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 23

As our Essentials guide puts it, "Congratulations and Amen!" You and your students have worked so hard this year and I hope you all have a greater understanding of the English language! It has been an honor to work with you and your students!

Can't wait to see everyone's presentations next week!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Week 22

This week in class, we will be practicing our presentation for the End of the Year Ceremony and working out any kinks. :) I will prepare sentences/diagrams/mad libs, etc for the kids. We will also make time to answer any questions and troubleshoot any points that need to be clarified. 

Looking forward to it!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Week 21

There is a new webinar just posted to the forum titled "Foundations to Challenge" and it focuses on the stage we and our kids are in right now. Go to CC Connected, then "Learning Center" then "Cultivating Classical Parents". There are a lot of good webinars there made just for us. 

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 20


Wanted to include some of those Bibliography resources we discussed:

There are a LOT of specific sections on the left you can click. For example, we had a question about which publication date to go with, if there is more than one...the original date should be uses.

 Also, I thought you might enjoy this link to Purdue's page about appositives:

Thanks for all the work you do with your kiddos! We only have a few weeks left!


Monday, March 20, 2017

Wrapping up Week 19

As we come into the home stretch for Week 19 and prepare for Week 20, discuss and copy Chart O. Go through a couple of analytical task sheets and remember to have a dialectic discussion during these exercises. This is a good time to answer any questions or clarify definitions for your student. 

For writing, we are in Lesson 25. We reviewed the basic essay model and intro/conclusion structure, then learned about a dramatic open-close: the very short sentence (p. 173). There is a lot of leeway this week. Y'all can either do the exercise in Lesson 25 and write intro and conclusion for your Knights paper (steps on p. 172)...or focus on Faces of History and try to get your topics outlined. We are doing the latter. 

As always, let me know if you need anything. I'm praying for you all as our families deal with different issues, and, of course, as we educate our children and build their character on a daily basis. 
