Friday, August 26, 2016

Prepping for Week 2

Wow! Great first day of class! I am so proud of all the kiddos and their participation level! It's difficult having class right after lunch, but they did a great job!

I threw a lot of information at them yesterday, and not all of it will stick and that's ok. Remember this is their first tour through Essentials, so have grace with them (and yourselves). It will all make more sense over the next several weeks of class.


One thing I forgot to mention yesterday: first year students should aim to memorize the bold parts/shaded parts of charts (not the whole chart). So for Chart A, that would include the patterns, structures, and purposes.

You will need to introduce Chart B at home. Just study the top left quadrant. These are simple, declarative sentences, with one of each of the 7 patterns.

Define subject and predicate for them.

Subject - the part of the sentence about which something is being said

Predicate - the part of the sentence that says something about the subject

Spend about 10 minutes a day reviewing Chart A and Chart B

If you have time, listen to those tracks from our first blog post. I will have cd's burned for next week.


Guide them through writing one paragraph from their outline (KWO). If you'd like to look at a checklist of what their paragraph should include, see page 21 in their writing book. You can help them as much as they need; they don't have to do it on their own.

I included their vocabulary words that correlate to each lesson, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling rules on your take-home sheet. It's up to you whether to teach these at home.


Alicia Kirkland has offered to host our next DVD viewing on September 6. More info and directions soon.

If you post any questions in the "comments" section below, I will respond quickly. Or you can text me at 386-965-1554

Have a great week!