There was a segment of my lesson plan I was unable to cover due to time restrictions. I'm including it below for you guys to talk about at home.
- Now that we've shown the 5 types of Nouns, let's take a closer look at Personal Pronouns on Chart F, since we use these the most. There are 40 of them, which are determined by case, person, number, and gender.
- We've already noted that there are only three cases in English.
- subjective
- objective
- possessive: however pronouns can take one of 3 forms when expressing possession.
- possessive pronoun
- possessive pronoun adjective
- reflexive: ends with "self" to show that the action affects the subject. (I hurt myself.)
- Personal pronouns, like verbs, show person; this is the perspective of the one doing or being what the verb expresses.
- "1st"; this is when the one speaking is the one being or doing something.
- "2nd" is when the audience (one being addressed) is the one being or doing.
- "3rd" is when someone else (neither the speaker or the audience) is being or doing something.
- And also like verbs, they show number. This is the number of the persons/things doing or being something.
- "Singular": only 1.
- "Plural": more than 1.
- And they can show gender.
- masculine
- feminine
- neuter
Here is a math game that helps hone multiplication skills. We will most like be trying it in class. I'm including the video in case you want to familiarize the kids with it before class. The operation could easily be changed to addition, also.
Please, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If your kid is having a hard time getting through 3 paragraphs this week, that's fine. Do 1 or 2 paragraphs. Y'all are doing great!
That website is great! Thanks for sharing it.